Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Between Greek And Roman Mythology - 1128 Words

Many people would cringe at the thought of being in a romantic relationship with their relatives. However, in the world depicted by Greek and Roman mythology, occurences similar to this are not far fetched. Hades, the Greek god, and Pluto, the Roman god, are nearly identical gods that both ruled what is told to be the Underworld. In each of their myths, the reclusive gods became infatuated with their niece and kidnapped the unsuspecting maiden. This act is the root of the major conflict in a myth about unrequited love, desire, deprivation, and insatiability, centered around Hades and Pluto, which are two gods with parallel stories and characteristics. Hades has not one, but two versions of a myth involving him, both of which are akin to Pluto’s myth. In the first version, Hades falls in love with Persephone, the daughter of the goddess of harvest named Demeter. Hades tells his brother, Zeus, about his secret admiration for Persephone and asks for help. Zeus agrees to open up t he ground beneath Persephone in order to trap her. Then, Hades comes along, takes Persephone from her trap, and brings her to the Underworld forcefully. In the Underworld, Hades makes Persephone become his wife. Consequently, Persephone becomes very unhappy. However, after much time, she came to love the cold-blooded god and lived happily with him. The second version of this myth includes more details. Demeter left Persephone to play with nymphs, which are mythological spirits of nature imagined asShow MoreRelatedComparing Roman And Greek Mythology1354 Words   |  6 Pages Roman Vs. Greek Mythology Roman and Greek mythology are full of complexities. Much of Greek and Roman everyday life revolved around these myths. Many similarities are obvious between Roman and Greek mythology because the Romans borrowed a significant amount of their myths and gods from the Greeks. 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